Utilizing stem cell technology
for the re-growth and
protection of hair follicles.

A Consultation as Individual As You Are.

Every hair transplantation and regrowth procedure is as unique as its recipient. When you visit Hair Restoration of America for your initial consultation, we will present all of the hair restoration methods available to you. We can advise you on which treatment or combination of treatments will be just right for you in order to obtain your goals.

This carefully designed course of action will yield the best results in slowing down and regrowing existing hair or transplanting new hair in the decided upon areas. This design will create gradients of hair density, at the proper alignment and direction that will achieve the most natural looking results.

Many patients are candidates for Hair Vaccinations alone. These are best suited for people who are in the earlier stage of hair loss and seek a method to slow down additional balding and/or rescue weakened hairs (helping to restore them to their former glory).

AcuGraft FUE Hair Transplantation (With ACell/PRP Lysate, Vitamin D3)

Our doctors will adapt the way they treat you depending on your hair quality, pattern and scalp texture. They assess the donor area for density and quality. We calculate the number of grafts needed and provide a realistic expectation for what the result will actually be. In addition, we will discuss further treatments that will be individually designed to stop or slow any future hair loss. These Hair Vaccinations are part of the AcuGraft FUE Hair Transplantation.

All consultation are performed at Laser Plus Spa.

Laser Plus Spa is proud to introduce it’s new state of the art facility for performing both Hair Vaccinations as well as AcuGraft FUE Hair Transplantation procedures.

Contact us for a free consultation.