Utilizing stem cell technology
for the re-growth and
protection of hair follicles.

What is ACell/PRP?

First used to heal wounds, ECM (extracellular matrix), made from ACell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is now the way to treat hair loss. ECM contains large amounts of proteins that use components of your own blood, along with other natural substances, to reawaken, rebuild and heal tissues and nerves. The result is not only the stimulation of growth in once-thinning areas, but enabling the once thought impossible task of healing scar tissue caused by transplant surgery. When our physician applies ACell to the site of your hair transplant, it acts to establish a bridge made of cells that attracts and increases blood supply and adult stem cell activity. The bridge allows the healing and regeneration to be carried out by one’s own cells and tissue. It sends signals to the dormant stem cells and in essence, wakes them up.

What is ACell/PRP Lysate?

PRP Lysate is the newest and most exciting advancement in the production of PRP. The platlets here are protected and then broken apart when mixed with the ACell releasing 85% more of your your own growth factors resulting in a quicker an better result in both both vaccination and hair transplantation. We use a patented filter to create this next generation PRP.

Why do we add Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 has been shown in recent studies at the Univ of Tokyo to greatly enhance function of the dermal papilla (the growth plate of hair). It acts as (miracle grow) boosting the strength of the weakening hairs and allowing one's that never could survive to now survive and react better to our vaccination.

The studies were published in the Wall St Journal in 2012 as well as in various medical peer reviewed journals.

ACell / PRP Lysate / Vitamin D3 Vaccination

The vaccination is a combination of PRP / Lysate, and Vitamin D3 produced at the time of the treatment. It is a spin down / filtered product from a simple blood drawing. This is then expertly mixed in a specific individualized manner to create the beginnings of progenitor ("stem cell”) production. These cells are then introduced into all areas of the scalp. Stronger versions of this mixture are injected into weaker hair bearing areas of the scalp. Lesser concentrations are introduced into areas at risk for future hair loss. These injections, especially with the 85% increase in growth factors from the PRP / Lysate result in an enhanced migration of adult stem cells to the scalp resulting in a larger number of progenitor cells which act to protect the existing hairs from the effects of DHT. Studies in 2011 at both Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania demonstrated that in male/female pattern hair loss, we genetically lose the original scalp progenitor cells at various times of our life. Without the protection of our own progenitor cells, the at risk hair follicles can be attacked and destroyed by the DHT. Our vaccination restores ones own progenitor cells back to the scalp thereby protecting and in many cases rescuing the miniaturizing and at risk hairs.


ACell when used properly and in correct combinations as determined by the physician, is most effective when on the receding outer fringe of your hairline and areas where thin hair still exists. ACell significantly restores volume and thickness to once thinning hair, and may even replace graying hair with darker hair. Our physician can tailor the use of ACell to create depth and density. By stimulating formerly inactive stem cells, which circulate naturally in your body, ACell therapy works to promote hair growth in the recipient area with less healing time. For the regeneration of thinning hair, ACell is now the preferred choice for natural volume, thickness and real growth.